Two part fire stands – are you getting the benefits?

fire extinguishers flats

    Are you taking advantage of two part fire stands?  They’ve been in the range for a couple of years now – perhaps it’s time to review the benefits:

    Firstly, there’s the space saving.  Stands can be bulky and awkward to fit in your van.  The two part fire stands come flat packed meaning they take 40% of the space to store! This means you can be sure to have a stand with you when you need one, making sure you can take advantage of that immediate sale opportunity.

    This space saving also brings a second benefit: the price.  With the ability to get 60% more on a pallet, there are cost efficiencies to be had.  Call the team on 0330 999 2233 to discuss these.

    Finally, why not modernise?  These stands have been designed to look great and not be obtrusive in design-led environments.

    Made from top-quality rotationally moulded plastic, these stands are a must have!  They are tried, tested and proven to be one of the most durable stands in the marketplace.  Add that to the benefits above and they’re the perfect choice.

    View the stands online here and get in touch with the team to discuss your requirements.