Fire Safety Tips after purchasing a new home


    When it comes to purchasing a new home, fire safety is undoubtedly one of the last things on your mind, compared to working out where to put furniture, sorting out bedrooms and where to hang pictures etc! However, it is crucial to take time to consider and develop a fire safety plan for the new house as soon as you move in.

    Put together a fire escape plan

    If a fire occurs, you might have less than two minutes to reach safety. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to have an escape plan; each family member should know of 2 ways they can escape from every single room in your home.  You should practice the escape plan every twice a year with all those living in the house.

    Take note of smoke alarms and always check batteries

    Note where these are and replace batteries when you move in, don’t assume they are new! There should be smoke detectors on every floor of the home, in each bedroom and outside any sleeping rooms. If you need any additional smoke alarms, install them as soon as you can. You should also test the batteries once a month and swap any out immediately if they aren’t working.

    Designate an outside meeting spot

    In case there is a fire, designate a safe, outside spot for everybody in your family to meet. This spot could be at a neighbour’s home or next to the post box- anywhere that is a safe distance from the house.

    Check Electrical Appliances

    Check socket limits and avoid overloading them, this can lead to overheating and fire hazards. Inspect plugs to ensure the house move has not dislodged wiring. Faulty electrics cause around 7,000 house fires across the country every year.

    Check the chimney

    Open fires have become more popular in recent years. It can be exciting to use one for the first time however, they can be very dangerous. Before lighting one ensure that the chimney has been swept, this includes chimneys being used as flues for gas fires, if in doubt ask a professional.

    Fit Carbon Monoxide Detectors

    Carbon monoxide poisoning can result from burning all fossil fuels, not just gas fires and boilers therefore you will need a detector even if you have just an open fire. Check when your boiler/heating appliances were last serviced and consult a professional if in any doubt.

    The Firechief range includes high-performance fire extinguishers, fire blankets, first aid kits, lithium-ion fire extinguishers for your home and leisure time.  For more information, call us on +44 (0)330 999 0019 or email

    The information contained within this blog is provided solely for general informational and educational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Before taking any actions based upon this information, we advise the reader to consult any and all relevant statutory or regulatory guidance and where felt necessary to consult a qualified fire or industry regulation professional. The use or reliance on any information contained herein is solely at the reader’s risk.

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