Camping Fire Safety: How To Stay Safe During The Summer Months

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    Summer is the perfect time to head outdoors, embrace nature, and indulge in camping adventures. However, as the temperatures increase and the ground gets drier, the risk of fire increases as well. Being fire-aware while camping keeps you safe and protects the environment as well. In this blog, we'll go through some camping fire safety tips to help make your camping trips as fire-safe as possible.

    What fire risks are associated with camping?

    Camping and open fires go hand in hand, but with dry weather, and open flames, the risk of wildfires in summertime is a big concern, especially for the Fire and Rescue Services. In the UK, human activity is estimated to cause as much as 90% of all wildfires. Unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes, and other negligent behaviours are major contributors to wildfires starting.

    Common fire hazards in campsites include:

    • Unattended campfires
    • Flammable materials too close to the fire
    • Improper disposal of ashes and embers
    • Using stoves or lanterns inside tents

    How to prepare for a fire-safe camping trip

    Preparation is key to ensuring fire safety while camping. Here are some key steps to take before you head out:

    Choose The Right Campsite

    • Try to find a campsite with established fire rings and grills for campfires. This is a lot safer than creating your own fire on dry grass.
    • If you are having your own campfire, avoid setting up camp near dry brush, overhanging branches, or dense vegetation.
    • Check the local fire regulations or restrictions in the area you are visiting. It’s quite common for Fire and Rescue services to introduce restrictions during hot weather.

    Make Sure You Pack Fire Safety Equipment

    Fire Extinguisher: Always have a small fire extinguisher on hand. You can use a fire extinguisher in the early stages of an uncontrolled fire to prevent it from spreading further.

    Fire Blanket: A fire blanket is useful for smothering small fires.

    Water Container: Having a container ready and filled with water is great when you’ve finished with a campfire. Making sure a campfire is completely extinguished is key to prevent uncontrolled fires starting.

    Shovel: Placing dirt on top of a fire is another easy way to make sure it is completely extinguished.

    Safe Practices For Your Campfires

    Building a Safe Campfire

    • If available, always use designated fire rings. If there is no designated area, build a fire pit surrounded by rocks.
    • Clear an area of at least 10 feet around the fire pit, removing any flammable materials.
    • Always keep the fire small and manageable.

    Monitoring and Extinguishing Campfires

    • Never leave a campfire unattended. Fires can develop incredibly quickly.
    • Keep a close eye on any children and pets around the fire.
    • Extinguish the fire completely before leaving the campsite or going to sleep. Use water, dirt, or sand to douse the fire, and stir the ashes until they are cold to the touch.

    Consider Safer Alternatives to Campfires

    Consider using portable stoves for cooking and lanterns for light. Battery-powered lanterns and LED lights are safe alternatives to keep your campsite well lit.

    Cooking Safely While Camping

    Safe Use of Portable Stoves and Grills

    • Set up your stove and grill on a stable, non-flammable surface.
    • Keep flammable materials away from the cooking area.
    • Never leave your cooking equipment unattended while in use.

    Proper Storage of Fuel

    • Store fuel containers in a cool, ventilated area, away from direct sunlight.
    • Only use approved containers for fuel storage.
    • Keep fuel containers away from heat sources and open flames.

    Handling Gas Appliances

    • Before you head out, check any hoses or connections on your cooking appliances. A leaking gas appliance could ignite and cause an uncontrolled fire easily.
    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for lighting and extinguishing appliances.
    • Never use gas appliances inside tents or enclosed spaces.

    Preparing For Emergencies

    Creating an Emergency Plan

    • Make sure you’re aware of who the nearest emergency services are and that you know how to contact them.
    • Plan your escape routes in case of a fire.
    • Make sure all members of your group are aware of the emergency plan.

    First Aid and Fire Safety Awareness

    • Make sure someone in your group understands basic first aid and fire safety principles before you head out on your trip.
    • Familiarise yourself with how to use a fire extinguisher and other fire safety equipment.

    Stay Aware and Informed

    • Monitor weather conditions and think about what effect they might have on the fire risk levels.
    • Make sure you have a battery-powered radio or a charged mobile phone to receive emergency updates.
    • Follow all local fire advice and warnings.


    Camping during the summer months is a great opportunity to create memories, but it comes with a level of responsibility, and that responsibility includes fire safety. By understanding the risks and preparing correctly, you can enjoy your camping trip while protecting yourself, your loved ones, and the environment.


    The Firechief® range includes high-performance fire extinguishers, fire blankets, first aid kits, lithium-ion fire extinguishers and the Kitchen Stove Guard. For more information, call us on +44 (0)330 999 0019 or email

    The information contained within this blog is provided solely for general informational and educational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Before taking any actions based upon this information, we advise the reader to consult any and all relevant statutory or regulatory guidance and where felt necessary to consult a qualified fire or industry regulation professional. The use or reliance on any information contained herein is solely at the reader's risk.