Do you benefit from the Fire Depot Thrive! loyalty program?

Grow your business with Fire Depot Thrive program

    The Fire Depot Thrive! loyalty program has been running now for nearly 3 years. Since the launch, there have been 1000’s of free gifts redeemed showing the success of the scheme.

    So what is Thrive!? Thrive! is a customer loyalty program whereby you earn a point for every pound you spend with Fire Depot. Points can then be redeemed in the following ways:

    1) Promotional gifts with your company branding
    2) Gifts to charities
    3) Staff incentives

    “The most effective use of the program is to go for promotional gifts.” remarks George Graham, Fire Depot’s Marketing Manager. “Printed mugs, pens, pads – we all love them but they can be such a hassle to purchase. With Thrive! we take all that hassle away for you.”

    Joining the scheme is really easy. Just contact the Fire Depot team on 0330 999 2233 for your Thrive! invite code. Once you have that, there are just three simple steps to complete and you’ll be set up in no time.

    You can also visit the Thrive! website to view what’s available to you.