Fire safety advice for Duty Holders


    Fire safety is very important in all premises, whether it's a warehouse, office, hotel or block of flats. But it can be confusing if you are the person responsible for fire safety. We’re here to help provide guidance and insight into the best practice in fire safety.

    Are you the duty holder?
    Much health and safety legislation and practice focusses on the statutory duty holder being responsible for things either being done right or being put right.

    Some key questions to consider with regards to the duty holder are:
    - who is the duty holder, as an organisation or as an individual?
    - what, in particular, are they responsible for?
    - who is owed the responsibility?

    If you are an employer or if you have control over the premises or the activities which take place on the premises, then you have responsibilities under fire safety legislation.

    Duty holders would be wise to know exactly what they must be responsible for, if you are the nominated Duty Holder, it is important to:

    - identify and assess sources of risk
    - prepare a written scheme for preventing or controlling the risk (if required by the source of risk)
    - implement, manage and monitor precautions to ensure the risk is controlled
    - keep records of the precautions
    - appoint a competent person to help take the measures needed to comply with the law.

    The Fire Industry Association (FIA) has put together a couple of handy guides for duty holders, to make sure that you are covered when it comes to fire safety.

    On the FIA website you will find everything you need to help you in your role as the Responsible Person, Duty Holder or Appropriate Person:

    - Our Best Practice Guide
    - Guidance on false alarm management of alarm systems
    - Guidance on buying portable extinguishers via the internet
    - Fire Safety Law leaflet  

    To speak to our team, call: 0330 999 0019

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